Social Media Marketing 2017-08-02T14:56:02+00:00

Facebook Advertising

With over one billion monthly users Facebook is a must to find new customers. By using this powerful platform, we ensure that people who need your products or services see your business as a solution to their needs.

Our Package includes:

  • Remarketing: When a prospect visits your site, we will show him your advertisement on Facebook to give him relevant information and / or offer him attractive offers about your products and services, encouraging him to come back and buy.
  • Acquisition of new customers:After studying the profile of your ideal clientele, we will target it on Facebook and let it know your business.
  • Creating banner ads: We will help you create amazing banners for this platform.
  • Content Creation: We will create attractive advertising texts that will inspire potential customers to take action.
  • Split Testing : This method allows you to create and test images, texts, offers, audiences … in order to find the ideal combination that will convert visitors into clients..
  • Advertising Video: Combining Facebook and advertising videos is the unavoidable way to generate higher traffic on your website.
  • Ad campaign management: We will manage your advertising campaign, from the target customer profile to the banner creation, and optimize it for better results.


With 700 Million Users Instagram is as powerful as Facebook, that is why we can offer you the same services for Instagram as those listed above for Facebook. We also offer you the possibility to:

  • Create more ” followers ” engaged on your Instagram page.
  • Reach customers who are located near your business through Geomarketing.
  • Create Htags for your business